Monday, September 14, 2015

Baby Weiss coming in 2016!

Noah and I have been awful at blogging lately – our last blog entry was at the end of May (about our 5th anniversary weekend to be specific).  We do have a valid excuse for this though – which is that I am pregnant!!!  I’ve been preoccupied with nausea/exhaustion while Noah has been busy feeding me.  But I figure it is about time we get back into writing on our blog, and I thought this would be a good story get us back on track.

Ever since Noah and I moved to Germany, having a baby here was something on our radar.  The reasons why are clear: First is the paid time off: 14 weeks full-paid maternity leave for me, plus an optional 14 months of ‘Elternzeit’ (time off with a partial pay cut) for Noah and I to split as we choose.  Next there are no hospital bills (socialized insurance), and there is Kindergeld (the government pays you additional money monthly for each kid you have)!  The only issue – when we moved here at the age of 26, neither of us were actually ready for the baby part of the deal.

When we originally thought we would be here for only 2 years, we focused our free time on traveling, rather than thinking about children.  However I had decided I didn’t want to have a baby in my 20s.  So it seemed like it was settled – no German-born baby for us.

Then, when Noah signed a 3-year contract in December of 2013, all of a sudden the baby-card was back on the table.  But when 2014 rolled around, I still had the travel bug too badly.  I figured I would need to cure myself of the travel bug before I took on the baby bug no matter my age, so Noah and I continued vacationing around Europe. 

However as 2015 approached, I realized after our Scotland trip we will have made it to all the places on my travel wish list.  All of a sudden, I felt my travel bug’s symptoms waning.  So what did I do?  Made a spreadsheet, of course, with the various scenarios and timing options of having a baby.  Luckily Noah is used to this type of approach I take to life - our budgeting, our travel planning, and now our baby planning.  Based on my calculations – I was able to determine the ideal time to try for a baby and the only part left was to put our plan into action.

Fast forward a few weeks into May, and I start having some weird symptoms.  Many of which can be attributed to pregnancy, but they can also just be from about any other illness in the Web MD database (I probably searched them all).  Neither Noah nor I wanted to get our hopes up too much that we had success right away, but if I had to bet money, I would have chosen ‘pregnant’. 

We were heading out on our 5-year wedding anniversary weekend to the Rhine on Saturday the 23rd, and my period was scheduled for Wednesday the 27th.  However, I had it in my head that it would be so cool to learn we were having a baby ON our anniversary (the Saturday).  So when we arrived to our hotel, I took a pregnancy test, only for it to say NOT PREGNANT, and make me sad.  Noah reminded me that 1) it is probably still too early, and he can also rub a coin on my face and flip it in the air and have the same level of scientific accuracy and 2) it is not that big of a deal if it doesn’t happen this time around.  Side note – this is exactly why blogs suggest NOT taking pregnancy tests early, because they probably won’t work (although the manufacturers claims might suggest otherwise).

So I relaxed and enjoyed our vacation and tried to take my mind off of the whole baby thing, though in the back of my mind, I still kept thinking of how I felt different.  We came back on Tuesday from our trip, and Noah and I took the dogs to the park.  I asked Noah when I should take another test.  He agreed that I should take one that day, but that it isn’t a big deal if it says no.

As we returned I was still thinking about taking another pregnancy test, but Noah had moved on to wanting to clean his car.  So he took off to the carwash, and I decided to take another test.  A few minutes later I checked it – and I saw the second blue line.  This test says I AM pregnant.  OMG WHERE IS NOAH???  I debated calling him, but decided that finding out at a carwash that your wife is expecting isn’t the most charming of all stories.  So I waited for him to return.

When the doorbell finally rang, I am excited but want to mess with him a bit too.  I mean, he did suggest taking this test and then left before I had a chance to do it, so he deserved it.  In the meantime, I had checked the mail and a DVD had arrived, so when he came up the stairs I had the DVD behind my back.  I said I had something to show him, and then presented him the movie.  I could see his face get excited and then drop a bit – clearly he thought I had a positive pregnancy test in my hands (later confirmed when he told me).  I then brought him to the kitchen to show him the real news – and then I declared I need more tests to make sure (I took 4 more after this with varying degrees of blueness to make sure).

Noah declared that we need to celebrate, so he went and got champagne (for him) and bitter lemon (a soda, for me), and pizza.  And we can’t forget a red candle, which clearly stands for love

So now I am 20 weeks / 4+ months pregnant, and our baby is due February 2nd, 2016!  Now we need to get back to writing the blogs we have had planned, but haven’t gotten to. 

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